module Peras.SmallStep where

Small-step semantics

The small-step semantics of the Ouroboros Peras protocol define the evolution of the global state of the system modelling honest and adversarial parties. The number of parties is fixed during the execution of the protocol and the list of parties has to be provided as a module parameter. In addition the model is parameterized by the lotteries (for slot leadership and voting committee membership) as well as the type of the block tree. Furthermore adversarial parties share generic, adversarial state.



The parameters for the Peras protocol and hash functions are defined as instance arguments of the module.

module _  _ : Hashable Block 
          _ : Hashable (List Tx) 
          _ : Params 
          _ : Network 
          _ : Postulates 

The block tree, resp. the validity of the chain is defined with respect of the parameters.
  open Hashable ⦃...⦄
  open Params ⦃...⦄
  open Network ⦃...⦄
  open Postulates ⦃...⦄


Messages for sending and receiving chains and votes. Note, in the Peras protocol certificates are not diffused explicitly.
  data Message : Type where
    ChainMsg : {c : Chain}  ValidChain c  Message
    VoteMsg : {v : Vote}  ValidVote v  Message
Messages can be delayed by a number of slots
  Delay = Fin (suc (suc Δ))

  pattern 𝟘 = fzero
  pattern 𝟙 = fsuc fzero
  pattern 𝟚 = fsuc (fsuc fzero)
Messages are put into an envelope and assigned to a party. The message can be delayed.
  record Envelope : Type where
    constructor ⦅_,_,_,_⦆
      partyId : PartyId
      honesty : Honesty partyId
      message : Message
      delay : Delay

  open Envelope


A block-tree is defined by properties - an implementation of the block-tree has to fulfil all the properties mentioned below:
  record IsTreeType {T : Type}
                    (tree₀ : T)
                    (addChain : T  {c : Chain}  ValidChain c  T)
                    (chains : T  List Chain)
                    (preferredChain : T  Chain)
                    (addVote : T  {v : Vote}  ValidVote v  T)
                    (votes : T  List Vote)
                    (certs : T  List Certificate)
                    (cert₀ : Certificate)
         : Type₁ where

Properties that must hold with respect to chains, certificates and votes.
      instantiated :
        preferredChain tree₀  []

      instantiated-certs :
        certs tree₀  cert₀  []

      instantiated-votes :
        votes tree₀  []

      extendable-chain :  (t : T) {c : Chain} (vc : ValidChain c)
         certs (addChain t vc)  H.foldr insertCert (certs t) (certsFromChain c)

      valid :  (t : T)
         ValidChain (preferredChain t)

      optimal :  (c : Chain) (t : T)
            b = preferredChain t
            cts = certs t
          ValidChain c
         c  chains t
          c  cts   b  cts

      self-contained :  (t : T)
         preferredChain t  chains t

      valid-votes : ∀ (t : T)
        → All ValidVote (votes t)

      unique-votes :  (t : T) {v : Vote} (vv : ValidVote v)
         let vs = votes t
          v  vs
         vs  votes (addVote t vv)

      no-equivocations :  (t : T) {v : Vote} (vv : ValidVote v)
         let vs = votes t
          Any (v ∻_) vs
         vs  votes (addVote t vv)

      quorum-cert :  (t : T) (b : Block) (r : )
         length (filter  {v 
                    (getRoundNumber (votingRound v)  r)
              ×-dec (blockHash v ≟-BlockHash hash b)}
            ) (votes t))  τ
         Any  {c 
            (getRoundNumber (round c)  r)
          × (blockRef c  hash b) }) (certs t)
In addition to chains the block-tree manages votes and certificates as well. The block-tree type is defined as follows:
  record TreeType (T : Type) : Type₁ where

      tree₀ : T

      addChain : T  {c : Chain}  ValidChain c  T
      chains : T  List Chain
      preferredChain : T  Chain

      addVote : T  {v : Vote}  ValidVote v  T
      votes : T  List Vote

      certs : T  List Certificate

    cert₀ : Certificate
    cert₀ = MkCertificate (MkRoundNumber 0) (MkHash emptyBS)

      is-TreeType : IsTreeType
                      tree₀ addChain chains preferredChain
                      addVote votes certs cert₀

    latestCertOnChain : T  Certificate
    latestCertOnChain =
      latestCert cert₀  L.mapMaybe certificate  preferredChain

    latestCertSeen : T  Certificate
    latestCertSeen = latestCert cert₀  certs

    hasCert : RoundNumber  T  Type
    hasCert (MkRoundNumber r) = Any ((r ≡_)  roundNumber)  certs

    hasCert? : (r : RoundNumber) (t : T)  Dec (hasCert r t)
    hasCert? (MkRoundNumber r) = any? ((r ≟_)  roundNumber)  certs

    hasVote : RoundNumber  T  Type
    hasVote (MkRoundNumber r) = Any ((r ≡_)  votingRound')  votes

    hasVote? : (r : RoundNumber) (t : T)  Dec (hasVote r t)
    hasVote? (MkRoundNumber r) = any? ((r ≟_)  votingRound')  votes

    allBlocks : T  List Block
    allBlocks = concat  chains

Additional parameters

In order to define the semantics the following parameters are required additionally:

  module Semantics
           {T : Type} {blockTree : TreeType T}
           {S : Type} {adversarialState₀ : S}
           {txSelection : SlotNumber  PartyId  List Tx}
           {parties : Parties} -- TODO: use parties from blockTrees
                               -- i.e. allow dynamic participation

    open TreeType blockTree

        Default-T : Default T
        Default-T .def = tree₀

Block-tree update

Updating the block-tree upon receiving a message for vote and block messages.

    data _[_]→_ : T  Message  T  Type where

      VoteReceived :  {v vv t} 
          t [ VoteMsg {v} vv ]→ addVote t vv

      ChainReceived :  {c vc t} 
          t [ ChainMsg {c} vc ]→ addChain t vc

Vote in round

When does a party vote in a round? The protocol expects regular voting, i.e. if in the previous round a quorum has been achieved or that voting resumes after a cool-down phase.


    BlockSelection' : SlotNumber  Chain  Hash Block
    BlockSelection' (MkSlotNumber s) =
      tipHash  filter  {b  (slotNumber' b) + L ≤? s})

    BlockSelection : SlotNumber  T  Hash Block
    BlockSelection s = BlockSelection' s  preferredChain

Voting rules

VR-1A: A party has seen a certificate cert-r−1 for round r−1
    VotingRule-1A : RoundNumber  T  Type
    VotingRule-1A (MkRoundNumber r) t = r  suc (roundNumber (latestCertSeen t))
VR-1B: The extends the block certified by cert-r−1,
    VotingRule-1B : SlotNumber  T  Type
    VotingRule-1B s t = Extends (BlockSelection s t) (latestCertSeen t) (chains t)
VR-1: Both VR-1A and VR-1B hold
    VotingRule-1 : SlotNumber  T  Type
    VotingRule-1 s t =
        VotingRule-1A (v-round s) t
      × VotingRule-1B s t
VR-2A: The last certificate a party has seen is from a round at least R rounds back
    VotingRule-2A : RoundNumber  T  Type
    VotingRule-2A (MkRoundNumber r) t = r  roundNumber (latestCertSeen t) + R
VR-2B: The last certificate included in a party’s current chain is from a round exactly c⋆K rounds ago for some c : ℕ, c ≥ 0
    VotingRule-2B : RoundNumber  T  Type
    VotingRule-2B (MkRoundNumber r) t =
        r > roundNumber (latestCertOnChain t)
      × r mod K  (roundNumber (latestCertOnChain t)) mod K
VR-2: Both VR-2A and VR-2B hold
    VotingRule-2 : RoundNumber  T  Type
    VotingRule-2 r t =
        VotingRule-2A r t
      × VotingRule-2B r t
If either VR-1A and VR-1B or VR-2A and VR-2B hold, voting is expected
    VotingRule : SlotNumber  T  Type
    VotingRule s t =
        VotingRule-1 s t
       VotingRule-2 (v-round s) t


The small-step semantics rely on a global state, which consists of the following fields:

    record State : Type where
      constructor ⟦_,_,_,_,_⟧
        clock : SlotNumber
        blockTrees : AssocList PartyId T
        messages : List Envelope
        history : List Message
        adversarialState : S

      blockTrees' : List T
      blockTrees' = map proj₂ blockTrees

      v-rnd : RoundNumber
      v-rnd = v-round clock

      v-rnd' : 
      v-rnd' = getRoundNumber v-rnd


Rather than keeping track of progress, we introduce a predicate stating that all messages that are not delayed have been delivered. This is a precondition that must hold before transitioning to the next slot.
    Fetched : State  Type
    Fetched = All  { z  delay z  𝟘 })  messages
      where open State
Predicate for a global state stating that the current slot is the last slot of a voting round.
    LastSlotInRound : State  Type
    LastSlotInRound M =
      suc (rnd (getSlotNumber clock))  rnd (suc (getSlotNumber clock))
      where open State M
    LastSlotInRound? : (s : State)  Dec (LastSlotInRound s)
    LastSlotInRound? M =
      suc (rnd (getSlotNumber clock))  rnd (suc (getSlotNumber clock))
      where open State M
Predicate for a global state stating that the next slot will be in a new voting round.
    NextSlotInSameRound : State  Type
    NextSlotInSameRound M =
      rnd (getSlotNumber clock)  rnd (suc (getSlotNumber clock))
      where open State M
    NextSlotInSameRound? : (s : State)  Dec (NextSlotInSameRound s)
    NextSlotInSameRound? M =
      rnd (getSlotNumber clock)  rnd (suc (getSlotNumber clock))
      where open State M
Ticking the global clock increments the slot number and decrements the delay of all the messages in the message buffer.
    tick : State  State
    tick M =
      record M
        { clock = next clock
        ; messages =
            map  where e  record e { delay = pred (delay e) })
      where open State M
Updating the global state inserting the updated block-tree for a given party, adding messages to the message buffer for the other parties and appending the history
    _,_,_,_⇑_ : Message  Delay  PartyId  T  State  State
    m , d , p , l  M =
      record M
        { blockTrees = set p l blockTrees
        ; messages =
            map (uncurry ⦅_,_, m , d )
              (filter (¬?  (p ≟_)  proj₁) parties)
            ++ messages
        ; history = m  history
      where open State M

    add_to_diffuse_ : (Message × Delay × PartyId)  T  State  State
    add (m@(ChainMsg x) , d , p) to t diffuse M = m , d , p , addChain t x  M
    add (m@(VoteMsg x) , d , p) to t diffuse M = m , d , p , addVote t x  M


A party receives messages from the global state by fetching messages assigned to the party, updating the local block tree and putting the local state back into the global state.

    data _⊢_[_]⇀_ : {p : PartyId}  Honesty p  State  Message  State  Type
An honest party consumes a message from the global message buffer and updates the local state
      honest :  {p} {t t′} {m} {N}  let open State N in
          blockTrees  p  just t
         (m∈ms :  p , Honest , m , 𝟘   messages)
         t [ m ]→ t′
         Honest {p} 
          N [ m ]⇀ record N
            { blockTrees = set p t′ blockTrees
            ; messages = messages  m∈ms
An adversarial party might delay a message
      corrupt :  {p} {as} {m} {N}  let open State N in
          (m∈ms :  p , Corrupt , m , 𝟘   messages)
         Corrupt {p} 
          N [ m ]⇀ record N
            { messages = m∈ms ∷ˡ=  p , Corrupt , m , 𝟙 
            ; adversarialState = as


Helper function for creating a vote
    createVote : SlotNumber  PartyId  MembershipProof  Signature  Hash Block  Vote
    createVote s p prf sig hb =
        { votingRound = v-round s
        ; creatorId = p
        ; proofM = prf
        ; blockHash = hb
        ; signature = sig

A party can vote for a block, if * the current slot is the first slot in a voting round * the party is a member of the voting committee * the chain is not in a cool-down phase

Voting updates the party’s local state and for all other parties a message is added to be consumed immediately.
    infix 2 _⊢_⇉_

    data _⊢_⇉_ : {p : PartyId}  Honesty p  State  State  Type where

      honest :  {p} {t} {M} {π} {σ} {b}
            open State
            s = clock M
            r = v-round s
            v = createVote s p π σ b
          BlockSelection s t  b
         blockTrees M  p  just t
         (sig : IsVoteSignature v σ)
         StartOfRound s r
         (mem : IsCommitteeMember p r π)
         VotingRule s t
         Honest {p} 
            M  add (VoteMsg (mem , sig) , 𝟘 , p) to t
                diffuse M

Rather than creating a delayed vote, an adversary can honestly create it and delay the message.

Block creation

Certificates are conditionally added to a block. The following function determines if there needs to be a certificate provided for a given voting round and a local block-tree. The conditions are as follows

  1. There is no certificate from 2 rounds ago in certs
  2. The last seen certificate is not expired
  3. The last seen certificate is from a later round than the last certificate on chain
    needCert : RoundNumber  T  Maybe Certificate
    needCert (MkRoundNumber r) t =
        cert⋆ = latestCertOnChain t
        cert′ = latestCertSeen t
        if not (any  {c   roundNumber c + 2  r }) (certs t)) -- (a)
            (r ≤ᵇ A + roundNumber cert′)                          -- (b)
            (roundNumber cert⋆ <ᵇ roundNumber cert′)              -- (c)
        then just cert′
        else nothing
Helper function for creating a block
    createBlock : SlotNumber  PartyId  LeadershipProof  Signature  T  Block
    createBlock s p π σ t =
        { slotNumber = s
        ; creatorId = p
        ; parentBlock =
            let open IsTreeType
            in tipHash (preferredChain t)
        ; certificate =
            let r = v-round s
            in needCert r t
        ; leadershipProof = π
        ; bodyHash =
            let txs = txSelection s p
            in blockHash
                   { blockHash = hash txs
                   ; payload = txs
        ; signature = σ

A party can create a new block by adding it to the local block tree and diffuse the block creation messages to the other parties. Block creation is possible, if as in Praos

Block creation updates the party’s local state and for all other parties a message is added to the message buffer
    infix 2 _⊢_↷_

    data _⊢_↷_ : {p : PartyId}  Honesty p  State  State  Type where

      honest :  {p} {t} {M} {π} {σ}
            open State
            s = clock M
            b = createBlock s p π σ t
            pref = preferredChain t
          blockTrees M  p  just t
         (vc : ValidChain (b  pref))
         Honest {p} 
            M  add (
                  ChainMsg vc
                , 𝟘
                , p) to t
                diffuse M

Small-step semantics

The small-step semantics describe the evolution of the global state.
      M N O : State
      p : PartyId
      h : Honesty p

The relation allows

Note, when transitioning to the next slot we need to distinguish whether the next slot is in the same or a new voting round. This is necessary in order to detect adversarial behaviour with respect to voting (adversarialy not voting in a voting round)
    data _↝_ : State  State  Type where

      Fetch :  {m} 
         h  M [ m ]⇀ N
          M  N

      CreateVote :
         Fetched M
         h  M  N
          M  N

      CreateBlock :
         Fetched M
         h  M  N
          M  N

      NextSlot :
         Fetched M
          M  tick M

Reflexive, transitive closure

List-like structure for defining execution paths.
    infix  2 _↝⋆_
    infixr 2 _↣_
    infix  3 

    data _↝⋆_ : State  State  Type where
       : M ↝⋆ M
      _↣_ : M  N  N ↝⋆ O  M ↝⋆ O
    infixr 2 _++'_

    _++'_ :
        M ↝⋆ N
       N ↝⋆ O
       M ↝⋆ O
     ++' M↝⋆O = M↝⋆O
    (M↝M₁  M₁↝⋆N) ++' N↝⋆O = M↝M₁  M₁↝⋆N ++' N↝⋆O
  open Semantics public