module Peras.Util where
open import Haskell.Prelude hiding (_<_; _>_)
open import Haskell.Extra.Dec
open import Haskell.Extra.Refinement
open import Haskell.Law.Eq.Def
open import Haskell.Law.Eq.Instances
import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; NonZero; _≤_; _<_; _≥_; _>_; z≤n; s≤s; z<s; s<s)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
import GHC.Integer
uneraseNonZero : ∀ {n} → @0 NonZero n → NonZero n
uneraseNonZero {zero} ()
uneraseNonZero {suc n} _ = _
maybeToList : Maybe a → List a
maybeToList Nothing = []
maybeToList (Just x) = x ∷ []
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS maybeToList #-}
listToMaybe : List a → Maybe a
listToMaybe [] = Nothing
listToMaybe (x ∷ _) = Just x
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS listToMaybe #-}
maximumBy : {a : Set} → a → (a → a → Ordering) → List a → a
maximumBy candidate _ [] = candidate
maximumBy {a} candidate f (x ∷ xs) =
case f candidate x of λ where
GT → maximumBy candidate f xs
_ → maximumBy x f xs
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS maximumBy #-}
comparing : ⦃ Ord b ⦄ → (a → b) → a → a → Ordering
comparing f x y = compare (f x) (f y)
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS comparing #-}
mapMaybe : {a b : Set} → (a → Maybe b) → List a → List b
mapMaybe p [] = []
mapMaybe p (x ∷ xs) with p x
... | Just y = y ∷ mapMaybe p xs
... | Nothing = mapMaybe p xs
isYes : ∀ {A : Set} → Dec A → Bool
isYes (True ⟨ _ ⟩) = True
isYes (False ⟨ _ ⟩) = False
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS isYes #-}
TTrue : ∀ {A : Set} → Dec A → Set
TTrue a = Data.Bool.T (isYes a)
toTT : ∀ {A : Set} → {a : Dec A} → value a ≡ True → TTrue {A} a
toTT refl = tt
@0 isYes≡True⇒TTrue : ∀ {A : Set} → {a : Dec A} → isYes a ≡ True → TTrue {A} a
isYes≡True⇒TTrue x = toTT (isYes≡True⇒value≡True x)
isYes≡True⇒value≡True : ∀ {A : Set} → {a : Dec A} → isYes a ≡ True → value a ≡ True
isYes≡True⇒value≡True {a = True ⟨ _ ⟩} _ = refl
@0 toWitness : ∀ {A : Set} {a : Dec A} → TTrue a → A
toWitness {a = True ⟨ prf ⟩} _ = prf
_×-reflects_ : ∀ {a b} {A B : Set} → Reflects A a → Reflects B b → Reflects (A × B) (a && b)
_×-reflects_ {True} {True} x y = x , y
_×-reflects_ {True} {False} _ y = y ∘ snd
_×-reflects_ {False} {True} x _ = x ∘ fst
_×-reflects_ {False} {False} x _ = x ∘ fst
decP : ∀ {A B : Set} → Dec A → Dec B → Dec (A × B)
decP (va ⟨ pa ⟩) (vb ⟨ pb ⟩) = (va && vb ) ⟨ pa ×-reflects pb ⟩
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decP #-}
_⊎-reflects_ : ∀ {a b} {A B : Set} → Reflects A a → Reflects B b → Reflects (Either A B) (a || b)
_⊎-reflects_ {True} {True} x _ = Left x
_⊎-reflects_ {True} {False} x _ = Left x
_⊎-reflects_ {False} {True} _ y = Right y
_⊎-reflects_ {False} {False} x y = either x y
decS : ∀ {A B : Set} → Dec A → Dec B → Dec (Either A B)
decS (va ⟨ pa ⟩) (vb ⟨ pb ⟩) = (va || vb ) ⟨ pa ⊎-reflects pb ⟩
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS decS #-}
eqDec : ∀ (x y : Nat) → Dec (x ≡ y)
eqDec x y = (x == y) ⟨ isEquality x y ⟩
{-# COMPILE AGDA2HS eqDec #-}
eq : ∀ (x y : ℕ) → Dec (x ≡ y)
ge : ∀ (x y : ℕ) → Dec (x ≥ y)
gt : ∀ (x y : ℕ) → Dec (x > y)
eq :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
eq = (==)
gt :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
gt = gtInteger
ge :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
ge = geInteger