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· One min read


  • Briefed Peras to Consensus Technical Working Group.
  • Completed one more round of stakeholder interviews, focusing on SPOs.
  • Readied Peras website for deployment.
  • Major improvements to web-based interactive visualizer of Peras protocol operation, so it is ready to deploy internally at IOG.
  • Progress on formal specification in Agda.
  • Refined Haskell prototype of Peras, so it is fully in sync with the draft paper, aside from the some details of preagreement.
  • Cataloged constraints on and interactions among Peras parameters and determined reasonable defaults for simulations.
  • Collaboration with Quviq on Agda-to-Haskell efforts.


  • Connect Agda-generated code to dynamic quickcheck properties.
  • Delta-Q analyses of vote propagation.
  • Extend and document analytic computations of Peras behaviors.


  • The in-person Peras workshop is approved for June 25-28.