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· One min read


  • Met with Intersect Consensus WG to discuss CIP process as it relates to Peras
  • Simulation of margin and reach
  • Began internal reviews of Peras technical report
  • Dynamic QuickCheck tests for peras-markov
  • Added configurable adversarial behaviors to Markov-chain simulation
  • Website improvements (rendering as PDF)


  • Rough draft of CIP
  • Continue internal reviews of Peras website, technical report, Agda specification, and online simulator


  • A CIP to establish a "consensus category" is required prior to submitting specific CIPs like Peras


· One min read


  • Completed reviewable version of second technical report
  • Deployed Peras website for internal review
  • Additional work on soundness proofs
  • Dynamic quickcheck tests for Markov-chain simulator
  • Analyzed papers on adversarial scenarios, in preparation for improved Markov-chain simulation


  • Complete soundness proofs
  • Internal reviews of Peras website, technical report, Agda specification, and online simulator


· One min read


  • Analytics for adversarial scenarios
  • Reach/margin computations for settlement
  • Healing-time computations
  • Settled on strategy for handling non-determinism in executable specification
  • Additional work on soundness proof
  • Second technical report ready for final edits
  • Planned Peras tasks for PI7


  • Complete soundness proofs
  • Review, edit, and proofread second technical report


· One min read


  • Conformance test based on Peras executable specification in Agda
    • Automated using agda2hs
    • State-machine property-based test using quickcheck-dynamic
    • Full coverage of voting logic
    • Successful testing of the Haskell prototype/reference implementation
  • Partial completion of soundness proof
    • Agda proofs connect relational specification to executable specification
    • Linked directly to conformance tests
  • Implemented cryptography for voting sortition
  • Successful experiments with fast convolution for use in ΔQ modeling
  • UX enhancements for simulation and visualization tools
  • Updates to second technical report


  • Complete soundness proofs
  • Complete second technical report
  • Draft CIP
  • Plan PI7


  • Various agda2hs awkwardness and bugs


· One min read


  • Peras workshop at the University of Edinburgh
    • Agda proofs
    • Conformance testing
    • Peras cryptography
    • Delta-Q simulations
    • Protocol simulation and visualization
    • Markov-chain simulations
    • Tasks for remainder of PI6
  • Settled Peras versioning
    • pre-alpha: basic algorithm without pre-agreement
    • alpha: full algorithm, including pre-agreement
    • beta: final, polished version
  • Finalized details of certificate and vote diffusion and persistence
  • Refactoring decidable portions of Agda code to be compatible with agda2hs


  • Complete Agda-to-Haskell conformance test framework
  • Protocol simulation
  • Markov-chain simulations of Peras margin and reach
  • Plan for post-PI6 efforts


  • (none)