-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of vector's Any

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties where

open import Data.Nat.Base using (suc; zero)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Empty using ()
open import Data.List.Base using ([]; _∷_)
import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as List
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_]′)
open import Data.Sum.Function.Propositional using (_⊎-cong_)
open import Data.Product.Base as Prod using (; ∃₂; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Vec.Base hiding (here; there)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.Vec.Membership.Propositional
  using (_∈_; mapWith∈; find; lose)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.Inductive
  using (Pointwise; []; _∷_)
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Bundles using (_↔_; mk↔ₛ′)
open import Function.Properties.Inverse using (↔-refl; ↔-trans)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_)
open import Relation.Unary hiding (_∈_)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (_Respects_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as P using (_≡_; refl)

    a b p q r  : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- Equality properties

module _ {P : Pred A p} {_≈_ : Rel A } where

  lift-resp :  {n}  P Respects _≈_  (Any P {n}) Respects (Pointwise _≈_)
  lift-resp resp (x∼y  xs∼ys) (here px)   = here (resp x∼y px)
  lift-resp resp (x∼y  xs∼ys) (there pxs) = there (lift-resp resp xs∼ys pxs)

module _ {P : Pred A p} where

  here-injective :  {n x xs} {p q : P x} 
                   here {P = P} {n = n} {xs = xs} p  here q  p  q
  here-injective refl = refl

  there-injective :  {n x xs} {p q : Any P xs} 
                    there {n = n} {x = x} p  there q  p  q
  there-injective refl = refl

-- Misc

  ¬Any[] : ¬ Any P []
  ¬Any[] ()

  lookup-index :  {m} {xs : Vec A m} (p : Any P xs) 
                 P (lookup xs (Any.index p))
  lookup-index (here px) = px
  lookup-index (there p) = lookup-index p

-- Convert from/to List.Any

  fromList⁺ :  {xs}  List.Any P xs  Any P (fromList xs)
  fromList⁺ (List.here px) = here px
  fromList⁺ (List.there v) = there (fromList⁺ v)

  fromList⁻ :  {xs}  Any P (fromList xs)  List.Any P xs
  fromList⁻ {x  xs} (here px)   = List.here px
  fromList⁻ {x  xs} (there pxs) = List.there (fromList⁻ pxs)

  toList⁺ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}  Any P xs  List.Any P (toList xs)
  toList⁺ (here px) = List.here px
  toList⁺ (there v) = List.there (toList⁺ v)

  toList⁻ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}  List.Any P (toList xs)  Any P xs
  toList⁻ {xs = x  xs} (List.here px)   = here px
  toList⁻ {xs = x  xs} (List.there pxs) = there (toList⁻ pxs)

-- map

map-id :  {P : Pred A p} (f : P  P) {n xs} 
         (∀ {x} (p : P x)  f p  p) 
         (p : Any P {n} xs)  Any.map f p  p
map-id f hyp (here  p) = P.cong here (hyp p)
map-id f hyp (there p) = P.cong there $ map-id f hyp p

map-∘ :  {P : Pred A p} {Q : A  Set q} {R : A  Set r}
        (f : Q  R) (g : P  Q)
        {n xs} (p : Any P {n} xs) 
        Any.map (f  g) p  Any.map f (Any.map g p)
map-∘ f g (here  p) = refl
map-∘ f g (there p) = P.cong there $ map-∘ f g p

-- Swapping

module _ {P : A  B  Set } where

  swap :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec B m} 
         Any  x  Any (P x) ys) xs 
         Any  y  Any (flip P y) xs) ys
  swap (here  pys)  = Any.map here pys
  swap (there pxys) = Any.map there (swap pxys)

  swap-there :  {n m x xs ys}  (any : Any  x  Any (P x) {n} ys) {m} xs) 
               swap (Any.map (there {x = x}) any)  there (swap any)
  swap-there (here  pys)  = refl
  swap-there (there pxys) = P.cong (Any.map there) (swap-there pxys)

module _ {P : A  B  Set } where

  swap-invol :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec B m} 
               (any : Any  x  Any (P x) ys) xs) 
               swap (swap any)  any
  swap-invol (here (here _)) = refl
  swap-invol (here (there pys)) = P.cong (Any.map there) (swap-invol (here pys))
  swap-invol (there pxys) = P.trans (swap-there (swap pxys))
                          $ P.cong there (swap-invol pxys)

module _ {P : A  B  Set } where

  swap↔ :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec B m} 
          Any  x  Any (P x) ys) xs  Any  y  Any (flip P y) xs) ys
  swap↔ = mk↔ₛ′ swap swap swap-invol swap-invol

-- Lemmas relating Any to ⊥

⊥↔Any⊥ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}    Any (const ) xs
⊥↔Any⊥ = mk↔ₛ′  ())  p  from p)  p  from p)  ())
  from :  {n xs}  Any (const ) {n} xs   {b} {B : Set b}  B
  from (there p) = from p

⊥↔Any[] :  {P : Pred A p}    Any P []
⊥↔Any[] = mk↔ₛ′ (λ()) (λ()) (λ()) (λ())

-- Sums commute with Any

module _ {P : Pred A p} {Q : A  Set q} where

  Any-⊎⁺ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}  Any P xs  Any Q xs  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs
  Any-⊎⁺ = [ Any.map inj₁ , Any.map inj₂ ]′

  Any-⊎⁻ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs  Any P xs  Any Q xs
  Any-⊎⁻ (here (inj₁ p)) = inj₁ (here p)
  Any-⊎⁻ (here (inj₂ q)) = inj₂ (here q)
  Any-⊎⁻ (there p)       = Sum.map there there (Any-⊎⁻ p)

  ⊎↔ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}  (Any P xs  Any Q xs)  Any  x  P x  Q x) xs
  ⊎↔ = mk↔ₛ′ Any-⊎⁺ Any-⊎⁻ to∘from from∘to
    from∘to :  {n} {xs : Vec A n} (p : Any P xs  Any Q xs)  Any-⊎⁻ (Any-⊎⁺ p)  p
    from∘to (inj₁ (here  p)) = refl
    from∘to (inj₁ (there p)) rewrite from∘to (inj₁ p) = refl
    from∘to (inj₂ (here  q)) = refl
    from∘to (inj₂ (there q)) rewrite from∘to (inj₂ q) = refl

    to∘from :  {n} {xs : Vec A n} (p : Any  x  P x  Q x) xs) 
              Any-⊎⁺ (Any-⊎⁻ p)  p
    to∘from (here (inj₁ p)) = refl
    to∘from (here (inj₂ q)) = refl
    to∘from (there p) with Any-⊎⁻ p | to∘from p
    to∘from (there .(Any.map inj₁ p)) | inj₁ p | refl = refl
    to∘from (there .(Any.map inj₂ q)) | inj₂ q | refl = refl

-- Products "commute" with Any.

module _ {P : Pred A p} {Q : Pred B q} where

  Any-×⁺ :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec B m}  Any P xs × Any Q ys 
           Any  x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys) xs
  Any-×⁺ (p , q) = Any.map  p  Any.map (p ,_) q) p

  Any-×⁻ :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec B m} 
           Any  x  Any  y  P x × Q y) ys) xs 
           Any P xs × Any Q ys
  Any-×⁻ pq with find pq
  ... | x , x∈xs , pxys with find pxys
  ...   | y , y∈ys , px , py = lose x∈xs px , lose y∈ys py

-- Invertible introduction (⁺) and elimination (⁻) rules for various
-- vector functions

-- Singleton ([_])

module _ {P : Pred A p} where

  singleton⁺ :  {x}  P x  Any P [ x ]
  singleton⁺ Px = here Px

  singleton⁻ :  {x}  Any P [ x ]  P x
  singleton⁻ (here Px) = Px

  singleton⁺∘singleton⁻ :  {x} (p : Any P [ x ]) 
                          singleton⁺ (singleton⁻ p)  p
  singleton⁺∘singleton⁻ (here px) = refl

  singleton⁻∘singleton⁺ :  {x} (p : P x) 
                          singleton⁻ (singleton⁺ p)  p
  singleton⁻∘singleton⁺ p = refl

  singleton↔ :  {x}  P x  Any P [ x ]
  singleton↔ = mk↔ₛ′ singleton⁺ singleton⁻ singleton⁺∘singleton⁻ singleton⁻∘singleton⁺

-- map

module _ {f : A  B} where

  map⁺ :  {P : Pred B p} {n} {xs : Vec A n} 
         Any (P  f) xs  Any P (map f xs)
  map⁺ (here p)  = here p
  map⁺ (there p) = there $ map⁺ p

  map⁻ :  {P : Pred B p} {n} {xs : Vec A n} 
         Any P (map f xs)  Any (P  f) xs
  map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (here p)  = here p
  map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (there p) = there $ map⁻ p

  map⁺∘map⁻ :  {P : Pred B p} {n} {xs : Vec A n} 
              (p : Any P (map f xs))  map⁺ (map⁻ p)  p
  map⁺∘map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (here  p) = refl
  map⁺∘map⁻ {xs = x  xs} (there p) = P.cong there (map⁺∘map⁻ p)

  map⁻∘map⁺ :  (P : Pred B p) {n} {xs : Vec A n} 
              (p : Any (P  f) xs)  map⁻ {P = P} (map⁺ p)  p
  map⁻∘map⁺ P (here  p) = refl
  map⁻∘map⁺ P (there p) = P.cong there (map⁻∘map⁺ P p)

  map↔ :  {P : Pred B p} {n} {xs : Vec A n} 
         Any (P  f) xs  Any P (map f xs)
  map↔ = mk↔ₛ′ map⁺ map⁻ map⁺∘map⁻ (map⁻∘map⁺ _)

-- _++_

module _ {P : Pred A p} where

  ++⁺ˡ :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec A m}  Any P xs  Any P (xs ++ ys)
  ++⁺ˡ (here p)  = here p
  ++⁺ˡ (there p) = there (++⁺ˡ p)

  ++⁺ʳ :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) {ys : Vec A m}  Any P ys  Any P (xs ++ ys)
  ++⁺ʳ []       p = p
  ++⁺ʳ (x  xs) p = there (++⁺ʳ xs p)

  ++⁻ :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) {ys : Vec A m}  Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P xs  Any P ys
  ++⁻ []       p         = inj₂ p
  ++⁻ (x  xs) (here p)  = inj₁ (here p)
  ++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) = Sum.map there id (++⁻ xs p)

  ++⁺∘++⁻ :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) {ys : Vec A m} (p : Any P (xs ++ ys)) 
           [ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′ (++⁻ xs p)  p
  ++⁺∘++⁻ []       p         = refl
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (here  p) = refl
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) with ++⁻ xs p | ++⁺∘++⁻ xs p
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) | inj₁ p′ | ih = P.cong there ih
  ++⁺∘++⁻ (x  xs) (there p) | inj₂ p′ | ih = P.cong there ih

  ++⁻∘++⁺ :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) {ys : Vec A m} (p : Any P xs  Any P ys) 
            ++⁻ xs ([ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′ p)  p
  ++⁻∘++⁺ []            (inj₂ p)         = refl
  ++⁻∘++⁺ (x  xs)      (inj₁ (here  p)) = refl
  ++⁻∘++⁺ (x  xs) {ys} (inj₁ (there p)) rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ xs {ys} (inj₁ p) = refl
  ++⁻∘++⁺ (x  xs)      (inj₂ p)         rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ xs      (inj₂ p) = refl

  ++↔ :  {n m} {xs : Vec A n} {ys : Vec A m} 
        (Any P xs  Any P ys)  Any P (xs ++ ys)
  ++↔ {xs = xs} = mk↔ₛ′ [ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′ (++⁻ xs) (++⁺∘++⁻ xs) (++⁻∘++⁺ xs)

  ++-comm :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec A m) 
            Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P (ys ++ xs)
  ++-comm xs ys = [ ++⁺ʳ ys , ++⁺ˡ ]′  ++⁻ xs

  ++-comm∘++-comm :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) {ys : Vec A m} (p : Any P (xs ++ ys)) 
                    ++-comm ys xs (++-comm xs ys p)  p
  ++-comm∘++-comm [] {ys} p
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ ys {ys = []} (inj₁ p) = refl
  ++-comm∘++-comm (x  xs) {ys} (here p)
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ ys {ys = x  xs} (inj₂ (here p)) = refl
  ++-comm∘++-comm (x  xs)      (there p) with ++⁻ xs p | ++-comm∘++-comm xs p
  ++-comm∘++-comm (x  xs) {ys} (there .([ ++⁺ʳ xs , ++⁺ˡ ]′ (++⁻ ys (++⁺ʳ ys p))))
    | inj₁ p | refl
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ ys (inj₂                 p)
            | ++⁻∘++⁺ ys (inj₂ $ there {x = x} p) = refl
  ++-comm∘++-comm (x  xs) {ys} (there .([ ++⁺ʳ xs , ++⁺ˡ ]′ (++⁻ ys (++⁺ˡ p))))
    | inj₂ p | refl
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ ys {ys =     xs} (inj₁ p)
            | ++⁻∘++⁺ ys {ys = x  xs} (inj₁ p) = refl

  ++↔++ :  {n m} (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec A m)  Any P (xs ++ ys)  Any P (ys ++ xs)
  ++↔++ xs ys = mk↔ₛ′ (++-comm xs ys) (++-comm ys xs)
                        (++-comm∘++-comm ys) (++-comm∘++-comm xs)

  ++-insert :  {n m x} (xs : Vec A n) {ys : Vec A m}  P x  Any P (xs ++ [ x ] ++ ys)
  ++-insert xs Px = ++⁺ʳ xs (++⁺ˡ (singleton⁺ Px))

-- concat

module _ {P : Pred A p} where

  concat⁺ :  {n m} {xss : Vec (Vec A n) m}  Any (Any P) xss  Any P (concat xss)
  concat⁺ (here p)           = ++⁺ˡ p
  concat⁺ (there {x = xs} p) = ++⁺ʳ xs (concat⁺ p)

  concat⁻ :  {n m} (xss : Vec (Vec A n) m)  Any P (concat xss)  Any (Any P) xss
  concat⁻ (xs  xss) p = [ here , there  concat⁻ xss ]′ (++⁻ xs p)

  concat⁻∘++⁺ˡ :  {n m xs} (xss : Vec (Vec A n) m) (p : Any P xs) 
                concat⁻ (xs  xss) (++⁺ˡ p)  here p
  concat⁻∘++⁺ˡ xss p rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ _ {concat xss} (inj₁ p) = refl

  concat⁻∘++⁺ʳ :  {n m} xs (xss : Vec (Vec A n) m) (p : Any P (concat xss)) 
                concat⁻ (xs  xss) (++⁺ʳ xs p)  there (concat⁻ xss p)
  concat⁻∘++⁺ʳ xs xss p rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ xs (inj₂ p) = refl

  concat⁺∘concat⁻ :  {n m} (xss : Vec (Vec A n) m) (p : Any P (concat xss)) 
                   concat⁺ (concat⁻ xss p)  p
  concat⁺∘concat⁻ (xs  xss) p  with ++⁻ xs p in eq
  ... | inj₁ pxs
    = P.trans (P.cong [ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′ (P.sym eq))
    $ ++⁺∘++⁻ xs p
  ... | inj₂ pxss rewrite concat⁺∘concat⁻ xss pxss
    = P.trans (P.cong [ ++⁺ˡ , ++⁺ʳ xs ]′ (P.sym eq))
    $ ++⁺∘++⁻ xs p

  concat⁻∘concat⁺ :  {n m} {xss : Vec (Vec A n) m} (p : Any (Any P) xss) 
                    concat⁻ xss (concat⁺ p)  p
  concat⁻∘concat⁺ {xss = xs  xss} (here p)
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ xs {concat xss} (inj₁ p) = refl
  concat⁻∘concat⁺ {xss = xs  xss} (there p)
    rewrite ++⁻∘++⁺ xs {concat xss} (inj₂ (concat⁺ p))
            | concat⁻∘concat⁺ p = refl

  concat↔ :  {n m} {xss : Vec (Vec A n) m}  Any (Any P) xss  Any P (concat xss)
  concat↔ {xss = xss} = mk↔ₛ′ concat⁺ (concat⁻ xss) (concat⁺∘concat⁻ xss) concat⁻∘concat⁺

-- tabulate

module _ {P : Pred A p} where

  tabulate⁺ :  {n} {f : Fin n  A} i  P (f i)  Any P (tabulate f)
  tabulate⁺ zero    p = here p
  tabulate⁺ (suc i) p = there (tabulate⁺ i p)

  tabulate⁻ :  {n} {f : Fin n  A} 
              Any P (tabulate f)   λ i  P (f i)
  tabulate⁻ (here p)  = zero , p
  tabulate⁻ (there p) = Prod.map suc id (tabulate⁻ p)

-- mapWith∈

module _ {P : Pred B p} where

  mapWith∈⁺ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n} (f :  {x}  x  xs  B) 
              (∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs)) 
              Any P (mapWith∈ xs f)
  mapWith∈⁺ f (_ , here refl  , p) = here p
  mapWith∈⁺ f (_ , there x∈xs , p) =
    there $ mapWith∈⁺ (f  there) (_ , x∈xs , p)

  mapWith∈⁻ :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (f :  {x}  x  xs  B) 
              Any P (mapWith∈ xs f) 
              ∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs)
  mapWith∈⁻ (y  xs) f (here  p) = (y , here refl , p)
  mapWith∈⁻ (y  xs) f (there p) =
    Prod.map id (Prod.map there id) $ mapWith∈⁻ xs (f  there) p

  mapWith∈↔ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n} {f :  {x}  x  xs  B} 
    (∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs))  Any P (mapWith∈ xs f)
  mapWith∈↔ = mk↔ₛ′ (mapWith∈⁺ _) (mapWith∈⁻ _ _) (to∘from _ _) (from∘to _)
    from∘to :  {n} {xs : Vec A n} (f :  {x}  x  xs  B)
              (p : ∃₂ λ x (x∈xs : x  xs)  P (f x∈xs)) 
              mapWith∈⁻ xs f (mapWith∈⁺ f p)  p
    from∘to f (_ , here refl  , p) = refl
    from∘to f (_ , there x∈xs , p)
      rewrite from∘to (f  there) (_ , x∈xs , p) = refl

    to∘from :  {n} (xs : Vec A n) (f :  {x}  x  xs  B)
              (p : Any P (mapWith∈ xs f)) 
              mapWith∈⁺ f (mapWith∈⁻ xs f p)  p
    to∘from (y  xs) f (here  p) = refl
    to∘from (y  xs) f (there p) =
      P.cong there $ to∘from xs (f  there) p

-- _∷_

∷↔ :  {n} (P : Pred A p) {x} {xs : Vec A n} 
     (P x  Any P xs)  Any P (x  xs)
∷↔ P {x} {xs} = ↔-trans (singleton↔ ⊎-cong ↔-refl) ++↔

-- _>>=_

module _ {A B : Set a} {P : Pred B p} {m} {f : A  Vec B m} where

  open CartesianBind

  >>=↔ :  {n} {xs : Vec A n}  Any (Any P  f) xs  Any P (xs >>= f)
  >>=↔ = ↔-trans map↔ concat↔